“I was trying to think about the 12 things that make my meals taste great very quickly.” Welcome Anna Jones: We’re joined on...
“I always say that if you take the same shows, it doesn’t matter what they are… and you give it to five different...
“We try and have an uplifting show that’s funny, but gives you information.” – Peter Tilden “I might be...
“I evolved, you know, when I was growing up, I love cooking, but I didn’t want it to be my main thing.” Welcome Big Moe...
Welcome Paul Pringle We’re joined on the Starline by the winner of Pulitzer, Polk and several other prestigious awards. His latest project...
“The NBA has sprawled outwards. If you rewatch games that Jordan dominated in the early nineties, it looks like clowns and sort of a...
From solving homicides to captivating readers, Lt. Joe Kenda has done it all. Tune in as we dive into his new novel, ‘First Do No...
“I decided in that moment I was either going to become the leader of an elaborate organized crime family or go into Hollywood. And I...
“Having these intimate moments of conversation with people not only brings you closer, because it allows you to exchange your heart...
“The supply chain is a modern miracle, and most of the time, it works incredibly well. But for years, there have been vulnerabilities...
“The more that you understand your villain’s plan or your villain, what your villains want, the better your story is going to...
“My favorite memory was probably when we were in the office… just sitting around talking about ideas for the magazine, shooting...
“I feel like acting sometimes is like a therapy session. When you go through all the different characters you play and how you...
“You just really jump in with your first instincts and you trust yourself and you try to get out of your own way, if that makes any...
“To see that people were afraid to come forward 37 years ago because he and his partner still had a lot of tentacles outside of the...
“Defeat is only experience gained.” – Tu Lam Welcome Tu Lam: We’re joined on the Starline by a retired Sergeant Major...
“We don’t understand the system that we’ve inherited, which prevents us from making smart decisions about how to pursue...
“My mom is the prayer warrior of the family, so whenever anything happens, good or bad, in the press, she’s the first one I...
“I just wanted to get it out while my brain cells were still functioning and I still had the memories in there, more or less.”...
“I’ve already exceeded what maybe I thought I should be deserving of. I’ve had a really interesting, fun career.”...