Actor Drew Moerlein on “Bloodline Killer”

“Horror fans everywhere are craving a new masked killer to sort of fill the shoes of like horror franchises of the past.”

Welcome Drew Moerlein

We’re joined on the Starline by an actor, acting coach with more than a decade of TV, film, Broadway, commercial and tons of other experience. You’ve seen him in “Dusty”, “South of Hell” and in the Tony Award nominated musical “American Psycho”. His latest project is executive producing and starring in “Bloodline Killer.” We welcome Drew Moerlein.

Drew, let’s go Beyond the Mic. What made this screenplay written by Anthony and James Gaudioso so intriguing for you?

The commitment to this project comes from everywhere, writers and producers in roles. Bruce Dern, Tyrese Gibson, Taryn Manning and yourself. What made this set so different than any other you’ve been on?

A jump scare with a heart… “Every Town Has A Boogeyman” is shown theme on the trailer… what’s the one thing you were scared of growing up?

The Rockin’ 8:

It’s time for the nightmare for my guests. It’s the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

1. You’ll be in Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra. Favorite Marvel Movie?

2. You have fly fishing skills. What’s the biggest fish you’ve ever caught?

3. Best memory at Syracuse that was NON acting related?

4. What’s the one website you go to that is not work related?

5. Your wife likes your pineapple and spicy tikka masala. What’s the one dish your wife won’t eat that you love to cook?

6. How many Butterfingers did you eat when you shot the commercial and when was the last time you had one?

7. Best thing about Lorena the Labradoodle & Rosie your Australian Cattle Dog?

8. Did you do anything special for your 16th birthday?

The Back Half:

With family, acting, coaching and more, you barely have time for yourself. What’s the one thing you do to reset your heart and soul?

You offer reasonable coaching rates and even barter to help others, what’s the one thing you want to learn? 

One Big Question:

How has Adrienne and your daughters help you each day to be a better father, husband, actor and man?

The Wrap:

He loves Captain America, tries to read Instagram for anything but work, and his wife can’t stand his pancakes with corn and wants you to watch his movie “Bloodline Killer” Drew Moerlein thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

Visit Drew’s website here.

Listen to other conversations with actors here.

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