Steve Fishman & Dax-Devlon Ross on “The Burden”

“The ​law ​was ​my ​girlfriend. ​I ​had ​to ​love ​it. ​It ​was ​my ​only ​way ​to ​freedom.” – Derek Hamilton

Welcome Steve Fishman Dax-Devlon Ross

We’re joined on the Starline by a pair of award winning writers & investigative journalists. One owns a cocktail bar, the other enjoys tequila after justice. They’ve teamed up for a podcast about a corrupt cop and the wrongfully convicted who brought the corrupt cop to justice. We welcome Steve Fishman + Dax-Devlon Ross co-hosts of “The Burden”.

Friends, let’s go Beyond the Mic. As you examined this, why was this story the one that needed to be told?

Which of the wrongfully convicted by Detective Scarcella story’s touched you the most?

The Rockin’ 8:

It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure. Two guests so we’ll swap questions.

1. Steve, favorite drink at your cocktail bar?

2. Dax-Devlon, favorite interview from your book “Beat of a Different Drum”?

3. Steve, would you rather have a building or statue named after you?

4. Dax-Devlon, who’s the one person you’d like to change places with for a day?

5. Steve, what is your favorite cookie flavor?

6. Dax-Devlon, what’s the quickest way to your heart?

7. Steve, best place to think at the Brown campus?

8. Dax-Devlon, favorite course at Rutgers?

Two Nearly Impossible Questions:

Steve, what does the word justice mean to you?

Dax-Devlon, when you are done with this story, what’s the next one?

The Wrap:

Steve Fishman loves a Senor Hemingway, quickest way to Dax-Devlon Ross’s heart is dinner with his wife & they want you to listen to “The Burden”. Steve, Dax-Devlon, thanks for taking the time to talk with us.

And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

Listen to other Beyond the Mic conversations with journalists here.

Listen to “The Burden” here.

“The Burden”-

Detective Louis N. Scarcella was a legendary figure in New York City during the ’90s. In a city overrun with violent crime, he cracked the toughest cases and put away the worst criminals. But the story changed when a group of convicted murderers-turned-jailhouse lawyers made a startling discovery that linked all their cases: Scarcella was the cop who helped put many of them away. They made a vow: Take down Scarcella.

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