Ed Roland from Collective Soul

“It is my soul. I have no other way to explain it. It is what I am.”

Welcome Ed Roland:

We’re joined on the Starline by an actor, composer, singer and the pride of Stockbridge Georgia. His band was once known as Ed-e, they have spent more than 30 years rocking around the world. You know them by songs “Shine”, “December”, “Heavy” and many other number one hits.

We welcome the lead vocalist from Collective Soul, Ed Roland.

Ed, let’s go Beyond the Mic. Your twelfth studio release was recorded at Elvis Presley’s estate in Palm Springs. You’re the only musical artist to record at the landmark since Elvis. What did you take away from the session?

You have had dreams of making Rock N Roll your life. Check, you achieved that. You dreamed of making a double album. Check. What’s your next dream?

What does this album “Here to Eternity” mean to you?

The Rockin’ 8:

It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

1. You have close to 350 guitars in your collection. What was your 1st guitar and do you still have it?

2. Which guitar is the one you just play to relax?

3. Best Atlanta Falcon game you ever saw live?

4. You’ve said your dad gave you love, laughter, discipline, music and sports. What are you trying to give your sons?

5. Best thing your mom made you for dinner growing up?

6. Last book you’ve read?

7. Best place you’ve ever played a show?

8. Most embarrassing thing your parents did to you growing up, or thing you did to Dean?

The Back Half:

What do your fans mean to you?

Why is that dream realistic because of you brother and this band?

One Big Question:

How has music freed your soul?

The Wrap:

Collective Soul recorded the 1st half of “Here to Eternity” in 4 days at Elvis Palm Springs estate. He loves his Breedlove acoustic 12 string, and wants you to hear Collective Soul’s new album now. Ed Roland thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Mini.

Check out the latest tour dates from Ed Roland and Collective Soul here.

Listen to other Beyond the Mic conversations with musicians here.

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