“I think just being in the presence of people I love reminds me that we’re all going to get through.” Welcome Sarah...
“Friendship is equally as valuable in adulthood as it is in childhood.” Welcome Delaney Buffett: We’re joined on the Starline...
“If I care for you, if I love you, I’m going to cook for you.” Welcome Anna Francese Gass: We’re joined on the Starline...
“If I didn’t change the way that I was living, I didn’t have a whole lot of moments left with the people that I cared...
“Your biggest failures are what set you up for success.” – Matt Paxton Welcome Matt Paxton: We’re joined on the Starline...
“The trying on the glove by Chris Darden was a huge, huge error.” Welcome Michael Ayala We’re joined on the Starline by an...
“I work at the New Yorker, and one of my illustrious former colleagues, John Updike, used to say that the reason he liked books and...
“Authenticity is what makes something entertaining to me.” “The variety is what keeps the fans on edge; we’re just a fly...
“Justice is not only blind; it is not one size fits all, and we need a more empathetic approach.” Welcome Lauren Bright Pacheco...
“We are on a trajectory of a 3,000% increase in kidney, liver, heart cancer, disease, attention deficit disorder, autism, childhood...
“Fishing is not just a sport; it’s a passion that drives me to raise awareness for my family.” Welcome Captain Joe Dion...
“It’s an opportunity to take this franchise and make a movie version of a sitcom which hasn’t been done all that often...
“The world’s too sophisticated today to operate in a criminal enterprise on the corner, but you can use the same model and do...
“I believe deeply in the importance of old school reporting.” Welcome Michael Cannell: We’re joined on the Starline by an...
“I want to save the person who has given up and who has thought that because they are either overweight or because they are so out of...
“We see the worst parts of humanity, but we strive for justice every day.” Welcome Sergeant Robert Barrere: We’re joined on the...
“It was just the satisfaction of knowing, like, we’re doing this damn thing.” – Daphne Rubin-Vega on...
“He was responsible for such a tectonic change in American television.” – Tripp Whetsell Welcome Tripp Whetsell: We’re...
“The best way to fight the system is to stop allowing it to make us so readily fight one another.” Welcome Kat Timpf: We’re...
“There’s few places in the world, it’s like Asbury Park, New Orleans, maybe Nashville, that you can walk into a place...