General Wesley Clark and Wes Clark Jr attempt to untangle the massive mess which is our financial system, government, politics and climate change in their film "Hot Money".
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Try a Beyond the Mic Short CutShe thinks peacocks are beautiful, clears her head at the Eno River at Turtle Hole and is afraid of climate change. Author of “Yoke” Jessamyn Stanley takes a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.
Comedian Chris Gethard talks about his midlife crisis job, entertaining his son during quarantine, & how much would it take to never listen to the Smiths ever again when he goes #BeyondTheMic
Bill Maher can’t say his favorite word on the air, likes to think on Mulholland Drive and his last meal would be spaghetti and meatballs. Bill takes a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.
She’s won awards, but desperately wants a role in any Star Trek property. Mira Sorvino talks “The Girl who Believes in Miracles”.
Roger Bennett thinks Max from Hart to Hart is underrated, would love to relegate Man U & Man City and stops by to talk his new book “(Re)born in the USA.
He’s covered aviation, space, railroads and the auto industry. His latest project is “I Survived a Crime” on A&E. Gio Benitez takes a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.
Welcome Jud Brewer We’re joined on the Starline by an internationally renowned addiction psychiatrist and neuroscientist. His latest book “Unwinding Anxiety” is out now. We welcome Dr. Judson Brewer. Jud, let’s go Beyond the Mic. You’re known as a...