"Bear Bones: Murder at Sleeping Bear Dunes" is the 3rd book in the Burr Lafayette series about a brilliant litigator whose life is as complicated as his cases. Author Charles Cutter discusses his protagonist when he goes Beyond the Mic.
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Try a Beyond the Mic Short CutShe's one of the top crime journalists in television, respected former CNN and MSNBC legal analyst. Her latest project is “Judgment with Ashleigh Banfield” on Court TV. Ashleigh Banfield talks about her new show and re-examining cases for it. I also...
When it gets cold she has to make hot chocolate, least favorite holiday is Halloween and her latest book is “How to Be a Person.”
We discuss quarantine training, life skills, thank you notes and more.
Patricia Roberts is a motivational speaker and author. She’s a life-long learner who understands the doors higher education can open. If you have a student not yet in college or in college now, she can help you. The Chief Operating Officer of...
“Sway” which is the 1st story told from the perspective of a child who lost a parent on 9/11.
I'm joined by the author and the man who still fighting with the demons of 9/11 Matt Bocchi.
“The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)” The Big Crunch, Heat Death, The Big Rip, Vacuum Decay & Bounce, five seemingly scary names for cosmic disasters. Dr. Katie Mack breaks it down and makes it seem a little bit less scary... for now.
Andy explains how a former author of the “Pharmer’s Almanac”, a guide to the band Phish now is interested in election activism. He’s a Phishead, helped found Headcount in 2004 and has registered over 700,000 voters. Andy Bernstein goes beyond the...
She’s taking a 2nd look at some of the most mysterious deaths in history in the Smithsonian Channel’s “The Curious Life & Death of…” She owns at least 4 skulls, starts decorating for Halloween on October 1st and the last book she read was “The...