“It is my soul. I have no other way to explain it. It is what I am.” Welcome Ed Roland: We’re joined on the Starline by an...
More Conversations
Try a Beyond the Mic Short Cut“I’ve already exceeded what maybe I thought I should be deserving of. I’ve had a really interesting, fun career.”...
“If you peel back the layers and expose the real Al that nobody knows. I’m just made of music on these. My lungs, my pancreas...
“It’s about communication and connection, and you’re with a group of people that become your family.” Welcome Dr...
“The greatest power in the world is love, and my wish for the reader is to have as much of it in their lives as is humanly possible...
“The idea from the get-go really was to encompass this wide expanse of rock and roll that I covered over all those years.”...
“I think a lot of it is arrogance. Once they get into power and they’ve been there a while, they’re removed from the...
“I didn’t know I could have such a conflict of love and pain at the same time.” Welcome Bruce Bozzi We’re joined on the...