Welcome Celeste Headlee:

We’re joined on the Starline by a radio journalist, bestselling author, speaker and former opera singer. Her latest project is a podcast called “Freeway Phantom” on a 50 year old cold case investigating the deaths of six young women around the DC freeways. We welcome host Celeste Headlee.

Celeste, let’s go Beyond the Mic. Carol Spinks, Darlenia Johnson, Brenda Crockett, Nenomoshia Yates, Brenda Woodard and Diane Williams were murdered and discarded alongside D.C. highways in the early 1970’s. How did you find this forgotten sad case? Why was it a story worth telling?

How did D.C. Police detective Romaine Jenkins help you and the team on this journey?

What’s the one fact that you have seen from this case that amazes you to this day?

The Rockin’ 8:

It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions; answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

1. You said after the pandemic that you felt that working 5 days a week was inappropriate. Have you stuck to your Wednesday’s off and if so, what did you do last Wednesday?

2. How many friends would you trust with your life? More or less than 10?

3. Favorite piece of music you like singing as a comprimario?

4. If you could read minds, who would you read 1st?

5. Best trait you got from each of your parents?

6. Best topping you put on pancakes or waffles?

7. You have posts incredible pawpals stories between your dogs. What does the love of a dog especially Samus and Chaco mean to you?

8. Do you believe you can solve this crime? Has this killer been lost to time?

The Back Half:

You are a podcast raconteur. Why has this medium changed the way you examine media as a whole?

One Big Question:

With most of these young girls families fight for justice failed back in the 70’s, what would you consider appropriate justice for them?

Where can people give you information on this crime?

Where can people find you online?

The Wrap:

She loves making miniatures and homemade maple butter. She would read the mind of Alexander Petri if she could and wants you to hear “Freeway Phantom”. Celeste Headlee thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

Listen to other Beyond the Mic episodes with podcasters here.

Check out Celeste Headlee at her website here.

If and when the Metropolitan Police Department pays a reward on any of the six cases listed above, Tenderfoot TV and iHeartMedia will match the reward payment, up to $25,000 per victim.

If you have information about the murders of Carol Spinks, Darlenia Johnson, Brenda Crockett, Nenomoshia Yates, Brenda Woodard, or Diane Williams, please contact:

The Synchronized Operations Command Center (SOCC)

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