Jerry Adler on “Too Funny for Words”

“These are stories I used to tell to my family and friends when we had parties and things. And everybody kept saying, listen, you got to put this stuff down on paper for posterity.”

Welcome Jerry Adler

We’re joined on the Starline by a theatre director, producer, film and television actor and now author. You’ve seen him in “Manhattan Murder Mystery”, “The Good Wife”, “The Sopranos” and countless other efforts.

His book “Too Funny for Words” takes the reader through 70 years of entertainment. We welcome the legendary Jerry Adler.

Jerry, let’s go Beyond the Mic. Your book has so many incredible moments. From the roles you wanted, to the differences actors are treated today. Why was it important to tell all these stories?

What did it feel like to hold it in your hand?

What’s the one story that you wanted to put in, but just couldn’t due to space?

Which of the legendary personalities you’ve worked with in your life amazed you on a different level?

The Rockin’ 8:

It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

1. Which Broadway musical is your favorite of all time?

2. Best thing about your wife Joan?

3. You’ve acted with just about every big name. Who was the one person you would have loved to do a show with?

4. Favorite deli in New York?

5. Which was your favorite Broadway show to direct?

6. Could you ever tap dance?

7. Which show didn’t get the love it deserved?

8. Last TV show you watched?

One Big Question:

What’s your favorite memory in your life that isn’t Hollywood or Broadway related?

The Wrap:

He doesn’t know how to use a computer, loves the corned beef at Katz’s deli and wants you to read his book “Too Funny for Words. Jerry Adler… I laughed so hard reading this.

Yes I did, thank you my friend. Thank you for taking the time to talk wo us today.

And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

Check out Jerry’s IMDB credits here.

Listen to other Beyond the Mic conversations with actors here.

Things you’ll find out in his book: Who almost turned down his iconic role on The Sopranos because he could not sing? Did Katharine Hepburn really build the Uris building? How did a simple handshake with President Kennedy almost end in disaster? In his debut memoir, Too Funny for Words, Jerry Adler reveals all for the first time!

Find out more about his book and order it here.

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