The Fixer : Josh Young & Manfred Westphal

“We reveal in the book very new information about what might have happened. And let’s just say it’s not the official version of the events.”

Welcome Josh Young & Manfred Westphal

We’re joined on the Starline by an author and a PR executive. One has five books made into documentaries, 5 NY Times bestsellers and 4 Los Angeles Times bestsellers, the other took care of stories at Disney, Fox and Warner Brothers. They have come together for the gripping book “The Fixer: Moguls, Mobsters, Movie Stars, and Marilyn”. We welcome Josh Young and Manfred Westphal.

Friends, let’s go Beyond the Mic. Fred Otash was an ex-marine, turned LAPD vice cop turned private detective to the entertainment industry. Manfred, you were working with Fred on his life story before he passed. How much of the story of the private eye, who never blinked, has been released? How much do you still have forthcoming?

Josh, as a writer of very diverse topics, what amazed you about the files of the late Mr. Otash?

With TMZ, social media and anyone with a cell phone camera today… how many secrets in Hollywood are still kept right now?

The Rockin’ 8:

It’s the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure. Since we have two guests, I’ll alternate questions.

1. Josh, which book of yours didn’t get the attention you thought it should have?

2. Manfred, best place you ever modelled?

3. Josh, are lawyers the best or worst of society?

4. Manfred, best client at APA?

5. Josh, best book you’ve ever picked up at any independent bookstore?

6. Manfred, which was your favorite between American Idol, America’s Got Talent or X Factor?

7. Josh, what was the 1st book you ever read?

8. Manfred are you an over achiever or perfectionist?

Sneaking in a couple more:

What’s the one story that shocked you and why?

How did Fred Otash’s daughter support of this book help you so much?

What’s the one question you wanted the answer from Fred?

One Big Question:

Do you believe that you have ALL of Fred Otash’s files? Have some been “disappeared” keeping the truth of Marilyn’s death and some other cases hidden forever?

The Wrap:

Manfred loved modeling for Italian Vogue, Josh’s favorite book was about Albert Broccoli and they want you to read their book “The Fixer: Moguls, Mobsters, Movie Stars, and Marilyn”. Josh Young and Manfred Westphal thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us today.

And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

Listen to other Beyond the Mic Conversations with authors here.

Find out more about “The Fixer” here.

On The Fixer:

Otash was notorious for bugging the homes, offices, and playpens of movie stars, kingmakers, and powerful politicians, employing then state-of-the-art methods of electronic surveillance and wiretapping for a who’s who list of clients for whom he’d do “anything short of murder.”  He lied to federal authorities to protect Frank Sinatra from criminal liability. Recorded Rock Hudson’s coming out confession to his estranged wife. Otash moved in with Judy Garland to help her get sober, He taped President John F. Kennedy and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy’s tragic love affairs with the greatest sex symbol of all time, and he listened to Marilyn Monroe die.

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