James Sullivan on “Backstage & Beyond Complete”

“The idea from the get-go really was to encompass this wide expanse of rock and roll that I covered over all those years.”

Welcome James Sullivan:

We’re joined on the Starline by a journalist, author, educator and program director of the Newburyport documentary film festival. His latest book should be the next one any rock fan should buy immediately “BACKSTAGE & BEYOND COMPLETE: 45 Years of Rock Chats & Rants”. We welcome James Sullivan.

James, let’s go Beyond the Mic. You’ve contributed to the Boston Globe, former editor to Rolling Stone, the Maine Campus and Sweet Potato. Your wife Roza kicked you in the rear to put this book together. What was the first story you knew you had to have into the book?

How did the line between critic, feature writer and fan needed to be blurred?

Which was the story that almost didn’t make it into the book that you fought for?

The Rockin’ 8:

It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

1. Best tip Mary Helen Georgitis gave you in high school?

2. Most underrated album of all time?

3. Best drink you ever had at Margaritaville was what?

4. Favorite of the swans at Ward’s Pond right now?

5. Best round of golf you ever had was where and what was the score?

6. What is your typical Santarpio’s pizza order?

7. Favorite place on the University of Maine campus?

8. Favorite Marilyn Monroe movie?

One Big Question:

One fact that is immutable, we all die. Which musician death has hit you the hardest?

The Wrap:

He thinks “The Kinks – Something Else” is underrated. Never went to Margaritaville and wants you to read his book, “BACKSTAGE & BEYOND COMPLETE: 45 Years of Rock Chats & Rants”. James Sullivan thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

Listen to other Beyond the Mic conversations with authors here.

Check out James Sullivan at his website here.

Get his book here.

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