Sahil Bloom: Redefining Wealth in “The 5 Types of Wealth”

“If I didn’t change the way that I was living, I didn’t have a whole lot of moments left with the people that I cared about most in the world.”

Welcome Sahil Bloom:

We’re joined on the Starline by a PAC-12 pitcher with a 2.73 ERA with 2 saves as a Stanford Cardinal. He parlayed his scholarship into Economics and Sociology Majors with a Masters in Public Policy. His latest book is “The 5 Types of Wealth”. We welcome Sahil Bloom.

Sahil, let’s go Beyond the Mic. You’ve done private equity, and own SRB holdings. Why was it important for you to positively impact one billion lives?

You can swing a stick in any direction and hit someone who has either thought of or written a financial book. What makes “The 5 Types of Wealth” different?

Was there a 6th type of wealth that you weeded out?

How has your life changed from your days at Stanford to today?

The Rockin’ 8:

It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

1. Which pitch was your go to for getting out of a jam?

2. What was the best gift you got for your birthday last month?

3. How many journals do you own?

4. Which day of the week is your think day?

5. How much hair gel do you go through in a month?

6. One life lesson you want to teach your son about love?

7. Who is the one person you want to ask one question of?

8. Best piece of advice Condoleeza Rice ever gave you?

Sneaking in A Couple More:

What is the one thing that provides your fans the most value?

Biggest lesson from training for your 1st marathon?

Which is the one thing “The 5 Types of Wealth” that was hardest for you to learn?

Where do you go for peace?

One Big Question:

You said “You never leave money on the table but won’t think twice about leaving your peace of mind there.” Who kicked you in the butt and gave you the kick start you needed today?

The Wrap:

He always depended on the slider, takes a walks with his family daily and wants you to read “The 5 Types of Wealth”. Where can people find the book and you online?

Author Sahil Bloom, thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

Check out Sahil at his webpage here.

Get his book “The Five Types of Wealth” here.

Listen to other Beyond the Mic conversations with authors here.

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