“Friendship is equally as valuable in adulthood as it is in childhood.”
Welcome Delaney Buffett:
We’re joined on the Starline by an award winning director, writer and actor whose dad loved music. Her Tribeca Film Festival nominated film is now on demand. We welcome director of “Adult Best Friends” Delaney Buffett.
Delaney, let’s go Beyond the Mic. You co-wrote this movie with your co-star, writing partner and decade long friend about two friends on a girl’s trip with one breaking the news she’s getting married. How did looking at your own friendship through a comedic lens change the way you see friendship?
The cast is tight with Zachary Quinto, Cazzie David, Mason Gooding and much more. What made shooting with them easy and hard?
“Sometimes the past can’t last”. How has change helped and hurt you in your life?
The Rockin’ 8:
It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.
1. You met Katie in Science Class in middle school, do you remember what your grade was?
2. Best thing from craft services on the set was what?
3. Favorite film festival that isn’t Key West?
4. Best memory from your semester abroad in Australia?
5. Who is the one person who touched your heart at the Lawrenceville School Camp when you were a councilor there?
6. Best thing about a dog?
7. How much B12 did you snort in the bathroom scene?
8. What is your peak and valley from this week?
Sneaking in One More:
What career would you have tried to use your criminology degree in if you weren’t a writer?
One Big Question:
You once said “Life is short. Spend it with the people you love. And keep every voicemail.” When was the last time you listened to a voicemail from your father?
The Wrap:
She loves sleep, waking up with her dog and enjoyed spring break in Australia. Director of “Adult Best Friends” Delaney Buffett thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.
And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.
Listen to other Beyond the Mic conversations with actors here.
More conversations with directors here.
Find out more about Adult Best Friends here.