67% of future STEM jobs are in computing. Teaching Computer Science early, (starting in middle school), is important. Grant Smith author of...
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Try a Beyond the Mic Short CutAre you ready to escape into a supernatural world in which a young man discovers his destiny? The Authors of “The Treasure Tree” Dr. Bruce...
His favorite cartoon growing up was Tom & Jerry, loves mushrooms on his pizza and does not snore. His special Sebastian Maniscalo Presents...
Her dad always used to steal her dates to show them his bass guitars, always forgets her headphones and can’t wait to get back on the road...
50 books is a lot from one author. 50 on the music industry is incredible. Jake Brown breaks down Nashville music producers in “Behind the...
One half of the most honored team of investigative reporters in America. His latest book is “America: What Went Wrong: The Crisis Deepens”...
He hates BBQ Pringles, knows the difference in field corn & sweet corn now and has a comedy special out now. Comedian Greg Warren joins us...
The obituary writer for the Chillkat Valley News joins me. Why? She is also a best-selling author of 4 books including her latest “Of Bears...