Author Heather Lende joins us…
We’re joined on the Starline by the obituary writer for the Chillkat Valley News. You might be intrigued why. Well, she is also a best-selling author of 4 books including her latest “Of Bears and Ballots,“ Heather Lende welcome.
Let’s go Beyond the Mic when you got your Bachelor’s in history at Middlebury College what did you want to do with your life?
Moving to Alaska, what were your expectations when you got there
In your book Of Bears and Ballots, you weave a tale of small town politics with humor and a little wink. When you decided to run, what were your thought on running for the town assembly?
One of the things I liked about the book was the manager and committee reports before each chapter, giving us a glimpse into the city and a look at the things small town politicians have to deal with?
You tried to shut down bars early in Haines, and that was like kicking a hornets nest….
Heather Lende is the Author the book is Of Bears and Ballots going Beyond the Mic, what was the lesson you learned from being a part of small town politics?
How did your perspective of your town change from running to actually being an elected official?
When the special election to recall you from office came out, how much did that hurt you physically, emotionally, mentally?
Why is Haines Alaska such a special place?
The Rockin’ 8
Time is running out, so it’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 rapid fire random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.
1. What is the name of your typewriter?
2. Favorite of Robert Rules of Order?
3. One thing people don’t know about Haines Alaska
4. What are the names of your dogs?
5. Last thing you sold personally from the lumberyard?
6. Last person you hugged?
7. Favorite color?
8. Most uncomfortable thing you ever have done
Her book is Of Bears and Ballots and you have a love of local bookstores, why?
Her typewriter is an Olivetti, loves to take a personal privilege and her favorite color is yellow Author Heather Lende, “Of Bears and Ballots” thanks for taking the time to chat with us today
And that my friends is Beyond the Mic.