Dr. Bill Morice : President Mayo Clinic Labs

Welcome Dr. Morice

We’re joined on the Starline by President of Mayo Clinic Labs and Chair of Lab Medicine and Pathology at the Mayo Clinic. A legend in radio circles, the Big Knocker, Dr Bill Morice welcome

Let’s go Beyond the Mic, you started your path of health at Indiana where you studied biochem and got your M.D. and Ph.D. in Medicine and Immunology at Mayo. Why was being a doctor so important to you?

I know you are a big sports fan. Recently the Big 10 joined other conferences around the nation cancelling the fall sports season. The main factor for this was Covid-related myocarditis. Could you break the fear of myocarditis  down for us?

Do you feel that we have barely scratched the surface of what we need to know about this virus and the potential finish line of a vaccine?

President of Mayo Clinic Labs and Chair of Lab Medicine and Pathology at the Mayo Clinic Dr. Bill Morice joining us Beyond the Mic. While The Pac 12 followed the Big 10 and MAC in cancelling their fall sports season, the Big 12, SEC and ACC are not because their experts see something different. What is the major difference that one set of doctors are seeing that they not be concerned with while the others are.

North Carolina moved all classes online after a breakout of students infected with COVID-19. Do you feel that the risks of catching COVID-19 are mitigated by limiting the student to just athletes on campus?

Large cities were first, Factories, warehouses and building sites were next. Then nursing homes, and now fraternity and sorority house have become hotspots for the virus. How do balance the economic damage closing down the country with over 160,000 friends, family members and loved ones who have died?


Lets talk about convalescent plasma, what success has been shown in its use?

The FDA approved a COVID-19 testing system called SalivaDirect. With a 90% effective testing rate, is that high enough % to limit the spread without too many false positives?

President of Mayo Clinic Labs and Chair of Lab Medicine and Pathology at the Mayo Clinic Dr. Bill Morice joins us Beyond the Mic. With so many researchers trying to find a vaccine, is there a fear of rushing being first rather than being right?

Have we gotten complacent about viruses? The warning signs about an easily transmittable virus were recent. We’ve had HIV, Ebola, SARS, MERS should we have been better prepared?

Can you talk about the great people you work with at the Mayo Clinic?

The Rockin’ 8

Time is running out, so it’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, just answer with the first thing that comes to your mind.

There is no Pressure.

1. Other than riding your bike and fighting forest fires, what do you do for fun?

2. If you played baseball, what would be your walk up song?

3. Do you like cake or pie?

4. Do you sing in the shower?

5. First / Last sporting event you attended

6. Which is your favorite Minnesota hockey team the Wild or the North Stars,

7. One thing people don’t know about you

8. What’s the name of the doctor,  patient or intern that helped kick you to being the doctor you are today?

He is President of Mayo Clinic Labs and Chair of Lab Medicine and Pathology at the Mayo Clinic my thanks to Dr. Bill Morice for your time.

And that my friends is Beyond the Mic.

Dr. Bill Morice
Dr. Bill Morice

Check out the Mayo Clinic COVID-19 Testing Resource Center here.

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