Author Victoria Stuart on “Orb & Arrow”

Welcome Victoria:

We’re joined on the Starline by a journalist who has written poetry, essays and newspaper columns. Life is a Tropical Garden as she lives between two volcanoes, but only one is active. Her first series is “Orb and Arrow”. We welcome Victoria Stuart.

Victoria, let’s go Beyond the Mic. Brillar was supposed to be a healer, instead she’s an archer who mentors under a mage. What a wonderful opening to a series. Who was Brillar based off of?

As you go deeper into the world of Orb and Arrow, you are always adding new areas you’re your upcoming book “Master of Magic”. Why is creating your own universe so freeing?

The Rockin’ 8:

It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions; answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

1. English error caught most often by Grammarly?

2. Favorite orchid?

3. What’s worse a torn meniscus or writers block?

4. Which would you want to be better with: a sword or a bow?

5. Do you write out, type out, or tape your ideas first?

6. Favorite mythical creature is?

7. When do you get most of your writing done?

8. Which actress would you want as Brillar if your book was turned into a movie or tv series?

One Big Question:

If you could give advice to a young writer on the topic of world creation, what would it be?

The Wrap:

She loves the unicorn, lets the ideas flow and would like to be amazing at using a bow. Author of “Orb and Arrow”, Victoria Stuart thanks so much for taking time to talk with us today.

And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

Listen to other Beyond the Mic conversations with authors here.

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